There’s tons of paint chip crafts all over Pinterest.. You can do SO many things with paint samples, and the best part– they’re F-R-E-E at your local hardware store!
One of the crafts I’ve done with them the last few years is make paint chip turkeys in the speech room. It’s super simple but super cute!
I use this with my artic kiddos mostly, but you could adapt it to work on a lot of other goals! I went to Lowe’s and grabbed a bunch of fall-colored paint chip samples and cut them in half vertically to make the feathers. The turkey bodies are just brown construction paper cut into circles via large and small circle die cuts from our teacher workroom.
For every word they practice, I write it down on a paint chip and they get to glue it onto the turkey’s body. Simple as that!
Some other ways to use the turkeys…
*Have each turkey body be a category, and then as students name items in that category, write each one down on a feather. Glue feathers on the body, and voila! Category turkeys!
*Use longer paint chip sample strips and glue on pictures of their speech or vocab words as they practice
*Use with EET- Write down the item you want your students to describe (i.e. “turkey” or “Thanksgiving”) on the turkey body. Have your students describe the item, and each part they describe gets written on a feather for them to glue on.
Have you made any crafts with paint chips? How else could you use these paint chip turkeys? I’d love to hear your ideas!
Cute idea! Love the idea of using free paint chips and always looking for new holiday activities. 🙂 Thank you!!