Need a quick, easy-prep activity to use for Thanksgiving? I’ve got you covered! I used this super cute craft with my articulation students this morning & it was a huge hit– the kids were SO proud of their turkeys & were eager to show them off to everyone!
Trace a large circle onto brown construction paper (I used a paper plate as a template), as well as a small one (I used the inner circle of a paper plate that I cut out). Use multiple pieces of paper at once to cut out multiple circles, noses, and legs ahead of time. You’ll have to wait on tracing the hands, obviously, until your students are with you, but you can cut out multiple hands at the same time, too, once they’re traced, to save time!
You’ll also need some construction paper in other colors (I used Fall colors) for the “feathers”, orange triangles for the nose, and googly eyes. Just glue the head and legs onto the body, and the feathers anywhere around the body you’d like! This one pictured was totally student-driven; he apparently had a VERY clear idea of where he wanted his feathers to go.. and it turned out so cute! I love it!
You could easily write speech words on the feathers (which I did on another one) or glue pictures of their words onto the feathers (think Jumbo Articulation Book pictures). I’m sure all of you creative SLPs can think of other things to do with it, too– how else would you use this fun craft?
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