Last week during our jungle/wild animal theme, I attempted a hippopotamus craft that ended up being a Pinterest fail– thankfully, a new craftivity I have planned for Dr. Seuss week turned out much more successful! 🙂
I love, love, love the book, Green Eggs And Ham. I’ve done craftivities for Cat In The Hat and One Fish, Two Fish, but haven’t done one for Green Eggs and Ham yet! Third year’s a charm, right? 🙂
My plan is to draw a line across the middle of the pan to divide the two categories, and then have them glue their hot item/cold item eggs and breakfast/dinner foods onto the pans in the correct spots (ie glue the eggs with hot items on the top part of the pan, and the eggs with pictures of cold items on the bottom part of the pan).
You could also work on food vocabulary by gluing pictures of the items onto the eggs. Work on following directions with spatial concepts using vocab or articulation pictures and this craft, too (telling them where to glue the eggs– “above” one picture, “next to” another picture, etc…)
One of my other favorite crafts to do this week is with One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I got the idea from Busy Bee Speech last year, from this great post full of ideas! She used watercolor paint for her fishbowl, while I just used blue construction paper. I’ve written speech words on the fish, and worked on spatial concepts with this craft, too (put two yellow fish on top, put a green fish under a purple fish, etc…).
What are some of your favorite crafts for Dr. Seuss week? Stay tuned for more Dr. Seuss ideas later this week!
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