I love using games in therapy because a) they’re easy, and b) they lend themselves naturally to a variety of different skills, such as following directions, turn-taking, and learning how to handle a loss.Often times, we might be using games as just a general reinforcer while we do drill with other skills, but today I wanted to share with you… Read More
Sidewalk Chalk and Speech Therapy: Taking your session outdoors
Some days (aka every day), a girl just needs some fresh air and sunshine. While I’m fortunate that even though my room is on the small size with no cabinets for hidden storage, I DO have two windows in my room. You win some, you lose some…Who needs more storage when you’ve got sunlight, am I right? Even if you’re… Read More
How can I use that to target language? – Letter Tiles –
“How can I use THAT to target my student’s language goals?” It’s a question I’ve thought to myself more than once going into the preschool rooms to do push-in therapy with my language students. When I push in to the classrooms to provide therapy, I often times just follow the child’s/teacher’s lead and take whatever they are working on or… Read More